Website Designing FAQ
Website Designing FAQ

Adwords: Adwords is Google Advertising program, where advertisements appear in sponsored links. AdWords is also termed as a cost-per-click (CPC) advertising.

Algorithm: An algorithm is a description of a procedure used to rank websites.

Alt Text: Alt text means alternative text and is an HTML attribute that provides alternative text when non-textual elements, like images, forms, and other HTML tags cannot be displayed. This is used to promote the images as per SEO.

Anchor Text: Anchor text means hyper linking of the keywords which needs to be promoted in Search Engines. In other words, it is the clickable text in a hyperlink. is a web server-side scripting technology which is used to create dynamic and interactive Web applications

Back Links: Back links are incoming links to website.

Blind Traffic: The traffic which is generated by misleading or bad marketing campaigns.

Blog: Frequently publicized personal thoughts and web links in a chronological order.

B2B: Business which provides services or sells products to other businesses.

Cross linking: It is a technique designed to increase page rank and build traffic.

Crawler: Search engines use this program to crawl & quote for find index content. It is also called a spider or robot.

CTR: It is the number of time a person responds to an advertisement by clicking on it. It's a way of measuring the success of an online ad (click through rate).

Cloaking: It is a technique used to serve a different page to the search engine spider instead of what the visitor can actually see. It is a process where the search engines are deceived to display pages which would not be displayed otherwise.

Clustering: It's a process where the load is distributed to different servers and the application on parallel servers. If one server fails the application still runs on other server.

CPA: It's a payment model for advertising meant for qualifying actions such as registration or sales.

Dead Link: The links which do not function anymore are dead links.

Deep Link: Web page linked through other links than the homepage of that site is a deep link.

Directory: It's a database or a virtual container for folders and files within a file system.

DMOZ: It's a directory owned by Netscape. It is an open content directory of all the worldwide web links. Its original domain name is

Doorway Page: It is an entry point from which visitors can pass to the actual content. It is domain made especially for search engines to rank well for certain keywords.

Domain: It's an address to a particular thing existing on the internet.

Dynamic IP Address: The internet protocol addresses which keeps changing every time you connect to the internet is the Dynamic IP Address.

FFA: It does not has any restriction for adding a link.( free for all links list).

Flash Page: A page developed by using a vector-based multimedia format. This technique is developed by Adobe for web usage.

Gateway: A program that transfers data between the application or networks which are incompatible.

Google bot: It is the name of the spider used by Google. Its statistics can be seen on web server logs, web analytics software or in the Google webmaster.

Heading Tag: The tags used by the search engines to select words which are more important than the rest of the text.

Hidden Text: The text which cannot be read easily due to its font color and the background color being the same.

HTML: It is a text formatting system used to create images, sounds, web pages, animation and more (hypertext markup language).

Inbound Links: A link for your site from an outside site is known as inbound link.

IP Address: A set of numbers used to identify every computer on the internet.

Java Script: It is a scripting language used for creating interactive sites. The java scripting language was created by Netscape.

Keyword: A specific word used for a search on web search engines.

Keyword Phrase: The use of two or more words made by advertisers in search engines so that they can optimize visitors.

Keyword Stuffing: It's a SEO (search engine optimizing technique). It occurs when the web page is loaded with the key words.

Link Farm: The group of web sites which are hyperlink to each other is link farm. It is mostly created by automated services and programs and can be created by hand too.

Link Popularity: The percentage of number of time a link is view determines the link popularity.

Meta tag: The tags which are made to describe different facet of the web page.

Optimization: The process of modifying the system for the work to be performed more efficiently.

Outbound link: A link to your site from an outside site.

Page Rank: The numerical weighting given to the hyperlinks by the Google search engine.

PPC: It is an advertising payment model where the payment is based on leads qualification.

Page Popularity: The comparison amongst the websites and links on the basis of page ranking determines the page popularity.

Popup: The advertisements which opens up in a new window.

Perl: Perl is a general purpose, high level scripting language used for making the process of making reports easier.

Positioning: Placement in a way which increases visibility with search engines.

Ranking: It's an index to the popularity of the website calculated by a sophisticated algorithm which is worked out by Google.

Reciprocal Linking: It is mostly based on an agreement between the owners of sites where they decide to exchange links. Mostly made between 2 sites.

Robot: Bots or web robots are software's which keep running automated work over the internet.

Robot.txt: It proofreads the source code and prevents the web robots or web spiders from accessing websites which are otherwise viewable by all.

ROI: It is the method of measuring success of an ad campaign based on the amount of money invested relative to the amount been received. ( return on investment).

Search Engine: It is a program which has an index of documents and it makes attempt to match the documents to the search requested by the user.

Search Engine Optimization: The optimum placement of a site with respect to the chosen targeted keywords whenever these keywords are a part of the web search.

Search Engine Marketing: It's a form of internet marketing that helps promote websites by increasing their visibility when the result for the search shows.

Site map: It helps the search engine bots and visitors to find pages on the site. It is a list of pages on a website which are accessible to users and crawlers

Submission Service: Services which charge for submitting your sites to search engines so that your site gets listed on the search engines.

Sub Domain: It is a part of a domain larger domain which is not the only sub domain of the root.

SERP: The list of web pages in response to the keywords put up in a search engine( search engine result page).

Spamming: The sending of unreasonable bulk messages without any discrimination.

Spider: It is a term used for search engines because of the way they go all over the world web to search information.

Spoofing: Using of false data and taking illegitimate advantage in the context of network security.

Stemming: Stemming involves dropping the gerunds and plurals from the keywords. Search engines by default perform stemming.

Title: Titles created for HTML for search engine optimization and also to improve web usability.

Traffic: The amount of data received and sent from a website through its visitors.

Toolbar: It is a GUI widget on which onscreen icons, buttons, menus and other output or input elements are placed.

Unique Visitor: A network or a web site visited by an individual once during a certain time frame.

URL: A standardized way of addressing web documents or pages on the internet.

Viral Marketing: An easy marketing method that encourages people to pass a marketing message.

Web Crawler: An automated system which browses the world wide web in an orderly way. They are also referred as ants and bots.

Web Blog: Type of web site with regular entries of descriptions of events, comments and other materials such as videos or graphics.

Widget: Widgets are applications used to turn personal contents into web application which can be shared on any website.

XML: A simplified extensible markup language which is used for web documents and it is been developed by W3C.

Yahoo: A website providing links to information and online services

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